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How Long Does Depression Last? | What You Need to Know

When depression makes getting out of bed, eating, brushing teeth, and other essential tasks feel like chores, you may wonder, "How long does depression last?" When life feels monotonous, unenjoyable, or pointless, you may ask, "When do I return to feeling like me?"

You don't have to stay stuck feeling lost in a place that should be familiar. Therapy can help. 

Clients in therapy for depression receive the gentle reminder that depression has no set timeframe, you can't rush healing, and the treatment process isn't a race. How long depression lasts varies from person to person. How long depression therapy lasts varies, too, and there's no shame in your journey being longer or shorter than someone else’s

Factors fueling the onset of depression

There isn't one singular cause of depression, but several possible factors that contribute to it, ranging from genetic to biological to environmental.

  • Genetics. Do you have blood relatives with a form of depression? Genes don't determine the course or length of depression, but they can contribute to making a person more susceptible.

  • Brain chemistry. Structural and functional abnormalities in brain regions may influence depression onset. Likewise, changes in neurotransmitter (natural brain chemical) function and interaction with neurocircuits relevant to mood stability maintenance can play a significant role in depression.

  • Co-occurring conditions. Depression commonly coexists with anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic pain, other chronic medical conditions, and substance use disorders, which can worsen and extend how long depression lasts.


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